About Books

(i) Get Up, Don't Give Up
Published in 2005 by Team Spirit India (Publishing House).ISBN : 817897092-9
13 Digit ISBN :9788178970929

(ii) World is yours, Provided...
Published in 2015 by Publishing House.ISBN : 817897062-7
13 Digit ISBN :9788178970622

Published in 2018 by Publishing House.ISBN : 817897063-5
13 Digit ISBN :9798178970638
Originality and truthfulness are the key words to describe these books.
Honest narration of entrepreneurial experience right from horse’s mouth has made whole work very interesting.
Wisdom acquired by day to day slog has been communicated to reader by way of self talk.
These books, are a case study of a die-hard entrepreneur and will certainly inspire readers in terms of life and work.
However, please don’t think that the contents of these books are meant only for entrepreneur. After all every human being is an entrepreneur, created by God to manage the business of his / her life, as a sole proprietor.
We are all entrepreneurs, if not vocation wise, life wise. These books should be regarded as fact sheets and in no way be associated with an autobiography.
The bottom line is to restore your faith in an age old saying…
“Adversities make a man, they don’t break a man”